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The Personalities of the Tarot: Court Cards

Writer: Sunny SinkSunny Sink

Updated: Sep 29, 2024

The Personalities of the Tarot: Court Cards

tarot cards, court cards, tarot court cards

One of the most difficult parts of the deck for me to interpret was the tarot: court cards. I tend to think of them now in readings as personality types unless I have a strong intuition that the card is referring to a person in someone’s life. In this post we will focus on the element of the card in addition to the rank to discern some of the personalities of each of the cards!

Tarot Court Cards, Court Cards Wands

Because of their element of fire they all have passion, charisma, inspiration, and creativity. I personally think of the wands suit having to do with following our dreams and passions to create in this world. When I think of the progression of the court cards through the wands suit I think of the progression representing the journey from intuitive idea to creation.

Page of Wands

The Page of Wands has curiosity and an intuitive idea for a new project. At this point we are at the beginning of a creative process and likely haven’t put any action behind it. Some personal qualities of the Page of Wands are: Curious, Ready to explore a new idea, project, or opportunity, this page may have a lack of experience, but is driven to create and likely excited about their new project.

Keywords: curious, creative, original, enthusiastic, confident, courageous

Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands has begun to take actionable steps towards their creation. They have begun the journey and are gaining experience. They also tend to be excited and don’t detour easily.

Keywords: brave, eager, determined, charming, self confident, daring, adventurous

Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands is seeing their creation take shape. They may be sharing this creation with others as the queens are very receptive, giving, and connected. The queen is usually confident and knowledgeable. I see the queen of wands as the one who knows how to say yes to the things they want to create, and no to the things they don’t.

Keywords: sovereign, independent, warm, attractive, energetic, cheerful, self assured

King of Wands

The King of Wands is the embodiment of the journey. They have made their creation a reality. They are leaders and confident in what they have created. They are the motivational speakers in the court, and are inspirational to others. They have confidence that only comes from practice and the journey.

Keywords: inspirational, leadership, bold, entrepreneur, legacy maker, passionate

Tarot Court Cards, Court Card Cups, Page of Cups. Knight of Cups, Queen of Cups, King of Cups

Because of their element of water they are loving, intuitive, happy, friendly, and empathetic. I personally think of the cups suit having to do with creating emotional connections with others and connecting in with the soft place in our intuition. When I think of the progression of the court cards through the cups suit I think of the progression representing the journey from recognizing our blessings to being able to connect with others and build deep and lasting relationships..

Page of Cups

The Page of Cups is idealistic and believes that anything is possible. They remind me of me as a teenager with rose colored glasses. Some personal qualities of the Page of Cups are: Believing in the good of others, believing that anything is possible, perhaps they are searching for their soulmate, and curious about a new relationship (romantic or otherwise)

Keywords: idealistic, intuitive, emotional, intimate, loving

Knight of Cups

The Knight of Cups has begun to take actionable steps towards emotional connection or intuition. They have begun the journey and are gaining experience. The knight of cups could be a very romantic card if this is a romantic attachment. They are open and taking action getting to know their intuition or another person. (I also sometimes read this as romancing and getting to know self)

Keywords: romantic, fun, open hearted, imaginative, sensitive, vulnerable, introspective

Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups has developed nurturing relationships. They are receptive, loving, and connected. The queen is compassionate and intuitive. They go with the flow and are enjoying deeply connected relationships with themselves, others, and their intuition.

Keywords: compassionate, supportive, empathetic, loving, nurturing, psychic, go with the flow

King of Cups

The King of Cups is the embodiment of the journey of the cups. They have made connections and are emotionally wise. They are stable and mature. They are the motivational speakers in the court, and are inspirational to others. They are diplomatic in their dealings with others.

Keywords: wise, positive, emotionally stable, mature, calm, caring, tolerant

Tarot Court Cards, Court Card Swords, Page of Swords. Knight of Swords, Queen of Swords, King of Swords

Because of their element of air they are thoughtful, direct, and communicative. I personally think of the swords suit having to do with learning how to manage our thoughts and how to communicate with others. When I think of the progression of the court cards through the swords suit I think of the progression representing the journey from recognizing the thoughts and patterns we want to change to actually getting to the place where our thoughts and communications are useful and to a high degree under our control.

Page of Swords

The Page of Swords is inquisitive. The page is noticing some patterns or thoughts or stories that they’d like to understand better, or even shift. In this first stage the page is being really truthful to themselves about some of the perspectives that haven’t been working and the page is ready to do the work to shift those perspectives or to get more skilled at communicating with others. The page may be exploring many different stories and perspectives and asking a lot of questions of others as well. Some personal qualities of the Page of Swords are: Being honest and direct. Diving into truth and being willing to ask those harder questions.

Keywords: inquisitive, truth seeking, just, thoughtful

Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords has begun to take actionable steps towards thoughtful awareness of their thoughts and stories, The knight of swords is excited about the new discoveries they are making and may want to share it with everyone they see. They may also be quite impulsively taking action on their newfound perspectives.

Keywords: impulsive, determined, direct, knowledgeable, logical

Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords has taken the time to deconstruct their thoughts and patterns. They are direct in their communications and they are able to set clear boundaries. They can be rather no nonsense and have a good grasp on the communications of others and what may lie behind the unsaid. They are witty, and experienced and may like to tell a lot of stories..

Keywords: honest, intelligent, direct, witty, rational, unbiased

King of Swords

The King of Swords is the embodiment of the journey of the swords. They have a high level of control over their thoughts and communications. This means that they connect with others on a high level and are considered very fair, thoughtful, and intelligent.

Keywords: strategic, logical, honorable, intellectual, analytical, articulate

Tarot Court Cards, Court Card Pentacles, Page of Pentacles. Knight of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, King of Pentacles

Because of their element of earth they are skilled, reliable, practical, and grounded. I personally think of the pentacles suit having to do with taking the passion we have in the wands suit and turning it into something physical. When I think of the progression of the court cards through the pentacles suit I think of the progression representing the journey from studying and taking on new skills to the physical manifestation of what we desire (often in wealth, career, legacy, and time.)

Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles is studious. The page wants to manifest something and realizes he needs to increase his skillset to reach that goal. In this first stage the page sees a new life or new career and is ready to do the work it will take to step into that new version of him. He is excited to learn and nurture his skillset.

Keywords: studious, seeking prosperity, practical, ready to manifest

Knight of Pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles has begun to take actionable steps towards this manifestation. The knight is understanding that there are resources all around to help them and are willing to use those resources for their benefit. The Knight of Pentacles is ready to take the journey step by step and day by day. They aren’t rushed and know that this manifestation will take time and energy. The knight is making that investment and plodding along.

Keywords: dependable, loyal, trustworthy, prepared, patient, productive

Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles has manifested the life and new skills they desired. They are surrounded by abundance and keen to share that abundance with others. The Queen of Pentacles is very grounded and connected to the earth. They understand work life balance and enjoy the legacy they’ve created and their connections with others.

Keywords: Comforting, Down to earth, Resourceful, Balance work and home life

King of Pentacles

The King of Pentacles is the embodiment of the journey of the pentacles. They are enjoying all that they have worked for an are abundant. They have manifested their dreams and are living a life of luxury. This could be the CEO that has learned about and is highly knowledgeable in their field and what it takes.

Keywords: stable, abundant, business savvy, reliable, enterprising, ambitious

Now that we have dug into the journey of each suit, and the personality traits demonstrated at each step, some ways you can play around and learn the court cards deeper are:

  • Assign a family member / friend / actor / character for each card

  • Look at all the pages together. How are they different? The same? (repeat with knights, then queens, then kings)

  • Look at all the wands together. How are they different? What would a progression look like in terms of manifestation through that suit? (repeat with cups, swords, and pentacles)

  • Journal on each card. What are some positive and useful qualities of these personalities? What are some least desirable qualities?

Which court cards do you most resonate with as your personality?

Happy exploring!



PS If you'd like to go deeper into the elemental associations of each court card check out Unveiling the Court Cards

If you’re interested in deepening your understanding of court cards, dive into the Court Card Training: The Majestic Priestess Path and transform your readings with profound insights. This immersive training not only takes you deep into the essence of all 16 court cards but also empowers you to master their subtle nuances, elevating your tarot practice to new heights. Best of all - it’s only $9!


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